Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bad at Sports:Chicago :: Funnel Pages:Philadelphia

We've been looking forward to this for weeks!

Remember the Bellwether show at Vox? Remember those little slogans running the length of the whole entire space? The artist, Duncan MacKenzie (pictured above at the bottom right), runs with a few other Chicago folk, and came to town to install his show and hang out with Funnel Pages, thanks to an email he received from our own Dustin metz. The podcast, which is posted here with sincere thanks to BadatSports, features interviews with Bambi, FLUXspace, Little Berlin, Kelly & Weber, Space 1026, Vox, and PIFAS, and includes mad props to Roberta and Libby.

Direct download is available from

Again, many many thanks to Bad at Sports and those who they thank at the end of the podcast, and do email Duncan about his sister. If you have yet to subscribe to their show, we highly suggest that you do so, as each week they publish some entertaining and enlightening interviews. And for the love of god, make sure you stay tuned for the last 2 minutes after the closing.

[Bad at Sports is a Chicago Based Contemporary Art Podcast, which is published weekly. Dustin Metz is a contributor to Funnel Cast, which is the podcast arm of the Funnel Pages.]

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